
The Town Board established the commission by local law in 1972. Its duties are to survey and monitor area natural resources and environmental conditions. It makes recommendations to the Town Board regarding conservation and protection of our natural resources and the environment.  The commission works with and advises planning and zoning boards to ensure that development is environmentally sound and planned with the future in mind.  The Conservation Advisory Commission (CAC) typically has 8 members.

The commission meets the 3rd Thursday of every month at 5 p.m. in the Town Hall Conference Room, Town Hall rear entrance. Commission meetings are open to the public.  (Meeting dates and times covered in next paragraph.)

The Town Board appointed the CAC to serve as a Climate Smart Saugerties Task Force in March 2018. The Climate Smart Saugerties Task Force meets at 5:00 p.m. on the third Thursday of every month in the Town Hall conference room, Town Hall rear entrance.  So each Climate Smart Saugerties Task Force meeting starts at 5 p.m. and precedes a Conservation Advisory Commission regular session at 6 p.m.

The adopted "Climate Action Plan" (adopted May 15, 2019) is available for viewing/downloading on the the Climate Action Plan page.


The Town Board liaison to the Conservation Advisory Commission is  Zach Horton.


Bristol Beach.jpeg
Bristol Beach
Winter Stream.jpg
Winter Stream

Snow on the Esopus Creek
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Hemlocks in Winter